Waging WOKE Warfare Across the United States Takes a Major Hit

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in | Posted on 8:39 PM


Not only do America’s children not want male freaks in dresses terrorising them but they do not want those freaks lecturing to them from the huge podium Disney’s movies offer them.

 Though Russian President Putin has compared NATO’s WOKE madness to the early years of the Soviet Union under Bolshevism, he doesn’t know the half of it. Though the WOKE lunatics long ago took over the NATO asylum, current indications are they have pushed their luck and their trans fascism madness too far. There is, in American hillbilly-land, the mother of all push-backs against those WOKE companies BlackRock, Vanguard and NATO’s other middle management have used as the shock troops of their Satanic campaign.

Though I will later get to the theory and practice of Satanism, I must first describe the backlash against “story creator” Disney, clothes retailer Target and beer maker Anheuser-Busch, all of whom have surrendered their sovereignty to BlackRock’s warped stakeholder ideology. As previously explained here and here, these NATO’s companies have been shoving BlackRock’s warped WOKE ideology down the throats not only of their customers but of their customers’ children as well. And both of those stakeholders have had a gut full.

On the one side we have Russia’s Masha and the Bear, which is hilarious, all the more so if you are in the target age range for this series of cartoons and which Disney catered for when it first got off the ground with Mickey Mouse, Snow White and Donald Duck in the early 1930s. Today, their male employees wear dresses to freak out the kids and their movies tank at the box office. Children, as Walt Disney knew, want to laugh along with Masha and the Bear, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, simple cartoons with simple plot lines. Not only do America’s children not want male freaks in dresses terrorising them but they do not want those freaks lecturing to them from the huge podium Disney’s movies offer them.

And nor do their furious parents, who are not only expressing their anger by boycotting Disney but who have also gone on the offensive against Target and made them withdraw their lines of baby clothing, which came complete with penis tucks and plastic penis attachments for toddlers. To say that a hurricane hit Target’s grooming campaign would be an understatement. The ordinary Yanks tore Target to shreds and their boycott wiped billions off its share price.

As they did with Anheuser-Busch, who hired transsexual grifter Dylan Mulvaney to market their beer to those truck-driving, Country and Western music-loving, baseball-playing, shotgun-carrying lumberjacks and World Wide Wrestling fans. It didn’t work and, by all accounts, you can hardly give away their Bud Light beer to any of their God-fearing, blue-collar customer base, who are out for corporate blood.

Although much could be said about the types of American Homer Simpsons, Family Guys, soccer moms and sundry couch potatoes, who are hitting back against all this nonsense, my focus is more on the utter contempt those WOKE companies have shown the ordinary American. Although this coordinated attack is much bigger than the three companies I have singled out, they are important as Disney, Target and Anheuser-Busch are all in the business of catering to their core audiences and, of course, turning a profit for their stakeholders on tried and trusted maxims I spent many years lecturing on.

But those days are gone and so too is the Japanese idea of stakeholder capitalism where a company, Toyota for example, would develop long-term relationships with its suppliers so that both might benefit over time.

NATO’s new capitalism is a different sort, where folk like George Soros and BlackRock’s Larry Fink decide what Disney will show, what Target will sell and which Blackfaces will get to market Anheuser-Busch beer (and women’s tampons and sports’ bras).

The reason corporate America is cutting its own throat, as this excellent twitter thread explains, is because of the WOKE credit score, which ensures BlackRock, Fink and Soros dictate not only what Target, Disney and the others market but why, using their fig leaf of inclusiveness, even individual schools must allow males into female toilets.

Although young American school girls do not want to be raped in their schools’ toilets, that is of no consequence to BlackRock’s Larry Fink, who tells us at 20 minutes into this video that they are “forcing behaviours” like that before going on to tell us at 21:30 in the same video, “behaviours across the whole firm, in every region have to be similar and every citizen of the firm has to understand what is acceptable behaviours and what are unacceptable behaviours”, WOKE behaviours which he and his fellow-freaks will presumably agree on before allowing vulnerable schoolgirls reap the collateral damage of their Satanic arrogance.

Although the video goes on to cite Fink at 22:00 saying that “it is through effective stakeholder capitalism that capital is effectively allocated, companies achieve durable profitability, and value is created and sustained over the long-term”, that is so wrong that countless books have been written on it. American companies are not focused on the long-term; they are focused on quarterly earnings and that can be seen in how the companies in the S&P 500 have changed so much over time. There is no long-term profitability durability there and companies like BlackRock, who do not even understand their own core mission or the fiduciary nature of their business will not change that.

BlackRock’s business is to be a responsible shareholder and not to insist that males in dresses can terrify children at Disney or go take a leak in the girls’ rest-room. BlackRock’s business is to be a passive investor and to only intervene when companies like Disney, Target and Anheuser-Busch they are invested in make major strategic blunders, the sort of blunders BlackRock, with their own nefarious agenda, are now insisting they commit.

Carrying on in the same video, Fink goes on to say at 22:35 “If you do not lean towards decarbonisation, you are not going to win one euro of business”. In other words, it is his way or oblivion, irrespective of whether you are right or wrong, or whether you are delivering shareholder value or not, or whether you err on the side of conservative caution, having seen behemoths fail in the past because of the sort of ill-informed arrogance Fink displays.

There is, in corporate finance, a basic maxim that old and dirty beats new and clean, that old machinery or practices should not be replaced by newer ones until it is profitable to do so. Because BlackRock and the World Economic Forum disagree, they are forcing Dutch farmers, Europe’s most efficient, off the land in droves, much as the English cleansed Scotland during the Highland Clearances. If Dutch farmers cannot survive, nor can any others. Crazy as that sounds, that is what Fink, Soros and other champions of Disney’s male chaperones bedecking themselves in frilly dresses want.

The same video goes on to show how Disney is going out of business as some black female Disney hot shot tells us at 24:20 that she used every opportunity she could to intrude “queerness” into her movies and thereby inflict it on children and their parents, who would much prefer Masha, Snow White and Mickey Mouse to her boring, biased and half-baked sermons. Heaven help Masha and Mishka if that overpaid sociopath gets her hands on them.

But make no mistake. That is their mission, for whatever concoction of reasons, to pervert everything that is good, wholesome or just plain childishly funny and innocent. Although this thread claims that Target have ordered the deconstruction of their Groomer, Child Sex Cult and Penis Tuck Swimsuits and Satanic “Pride” section across all its stores, that is barely a skirmish in this culture war which stretches all the way from the United States through Ukraine where Fink and Soros are also up to their Satanic mischief and right up to the Russian forests Masha, Mishka and their pals chill out in. It is all Satanic beyond measure.

The basic problem is that Satanists, to use that word loosely, have their hands on the reins of society. As someone who has had to deal with actual devil-worshipping Satanists in the past, I would break them down into a number of sub-sections. The first of these is those just along for the ride, who want to have sex with children or who or whatever else takes their fancy. They are the foot-soldiers, there to groom and be groomed by the mini-Epsteins further up the corporate ladder. The next are the middle management, the Adolf Eichmanns and Jeffrey Epsteins of the Woke Reich who will, as Fink hints, ensure all stakeholders play for Team Satan and the last group are those true believers, command staff like Fink and Soros, who believe it is “better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven”.

We have been down similar roads before, the Third Reich being the most obvious of them. And, as with the Third Reich, it matters not a whit what Soros, Hitler, Himmler, Biden or Fink believe in and, Christ knows, Hitler’s inner circle had the oddest and most eclectic of beliefs underwriting their authoritarianism and history testifies to how that played out. Fink and Soros are as authoritarian as Hitler and we are seeing, from America to Ukraine, how that is playing out and what resistance there is to it.

It matters not in the least if Soros, Fink and their footsoldiers worship Satan or if Satan even exists. What matters is how they act is Satanic; it is not only from the dark but it fosters the dark against the light. And that must be resisted to the death,

Childhood should, of course, bloom in the light and should be more akin to heaven than it is to Epstein’s hell and those who interact with children should, irrespective of the existence or otherwise of heaven or hell, be angels of the light rather than angels of the darkness. Because of that Putin, along with America’s anti-WOKE army, is right to advocate, as he puts it, “a healthy conservatism”. And though that healthy conservatism should be our common default position, it must be fought for, not only against Disney, Target and Anheuser-Busch but all the more so against Fink, Soros and all their WOKE willing executions in academia, in schools, in the media, in Wall Street, in Capitol Hill, in the White House and anywhere and everywhere else they spread their toxins.

Article By Declan Hayes

Canada and Chris Sky Politics - Which Side Are You On? Reply With Comment! 🍁

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in | Posted on 3:49 PM

Humanity at a Crossroads: Cooperation or Extinction?

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in | Posted on 9:01 PM

If humanity is morally fit to survive the current storm, it will be due to the rectification of the fallacious rules underlying today’s geopolitics.

We hold in our hands vast power to both create and destroy the likes of which has never been seen in history.

Up until the turn of the 20th century, the only forces capable of wrecking extinction-level havoc onto the biosphere remained comets and asteroids travelling 18 km/second which periodically slammed into the earth every few million years. But with the discovery of atomic decay in the form of fission and also the associated processes of fusion (where lighter isotopes were found to fuse together forming heavier atoms holding masses that were slightly less than the total of the fused atoms), suddenly a new force of destruction was added to the list.

After the death of Franklin Roosevelt, the top secret Manhattan Project with its three nuclear bombs was revealed to a confused Harry Truman who was quick to dump two of them onto a defeated Japan in 1945 establishing a new set of geopolitical rules that would profoundly misshape the 20th century.

The 14 kiloton bomb “Little Boy” which erupted over Hiroshima killed 140 thousand people instantly, with countless tens of thousands more who died in agony during the weeks and months following the explosion. The bomb that destroyed Nagasaki days later was 23 kilotons.

To put this into perspective, one modern U.S. Ohio Class Submarine travelling in the waters of China’s back yard carries 24 Trident missiles.

Each Trident missile can carry up to 8 nuclear warheads and each warhead utilizing thermonuclear technology packs the equivalent of 475 kilotons of TNT. When all warheads contained on one Trident II missile are added together, a force 253 times more powerful than the bomb that annihilated Hiroshima is unleashed. Although nuclear reduction treaties established since 1991 have reduced the global nuclear stockpiles from 64,000 warheads in 1986 to approximately 20,000 today, the fact Is that over 5000 megatons of nuclear bombs ready to be unleashed still litter the face of the earth.

Throughout the Cold War, scientists on both sides of the iron curtain were directed increasingly to put their creative energy towards the development of ever greater atomic weapons rather than solve world problems which for the most part was always the true purpose of science.

When the MAD doctrine (and a few too many war hawks devoted to computer models instead of human thinking) propelled the world towards a nuclear showdown in October 1962, cooler heads thankfully prevailed. During this period, mature statecraft took the form of backchannel and public dialogue between John F Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev who agreed upon respecting each others’ security interests with Russia removing its nuclear weapons from Cuba and the U.S.A following suite by removing their nuclear weapons from Turkey soon thereafter.

With this dance with mass death, Kennedy created several precedents for future leaders to learn from starting with the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963, his call to pull the U.S.A out of an oncoming Vietnam quagmire and launching a beautiful vision for U.S.-Russian joint space program presented to the UN General Assembly in New York on September 20 1963. This was an offer which Khrushchev’s son admitted his father had wished to accept during a 1997 interview, but sadly assassins’ bullets and Cold Warriors devoid of wisdom got in the way of that vision.

We are now sitting on the cusp of the 60th anniversary of the October Crisis and sadly very few statesmen in today’s U.S.A think on the strategic level of President Kennedy.

NATO has continued to expand across Russia’s soft underbelly in total renunciation of the promises made in 1991 between U.S. delegations and their Russian counterparts. With each new member added to NATO since 1998, a policy of military containment of Russia has been advanced with ever more troops, anti-ballistic missiles and bases installed across former Soviet Nations.

To stop the race towards nuclear annihilation now unfolding over the chaos in Ukraine, it is absolutely requisite that the leadership of the U.S.A and Russia conduct emergency meetings immediately with the intention of resolving the danger of nuclear extinction once and for all.

The way forward is not as difficult and only requires a willingness to compromise on certain actions which have no benefit to anyone. At the top of this list is the need to flush the strange obsession to expand NATO to the detriment of Russian security interests.

If this simple act were accomplished, then getting Russia to extract itself militarily from Ukraine would be no small difficulty.

Beyond simply putting out the immediate fires threatening to engulf our collective home, a longer term plan to avoid future fires from taking hold is also necessary. To this end, cooperation on matters of common interest is vital to establish a new security architecture founded upon firm principles. This means seeking out projects that unite the goals of eastern and western blocks into a common destiny, rather than amplifying divisions of “us” vs “them” with “good guys” invited to democracy summits which exclude nearly half of the worlds’ population.

Like Kennedy’s promotion of U.S.A-Russian scientific cooperation on space development and atomic development, today’s statesmen must discuss such programs as Asteroid Defense (dubbed by Roscosmos’ Dimitry Rogozin as “Strategic Defense of Earth” in 2011), Arctic Development, Bering Strait rail development, and re-forestation of the earth for starters. The Chinese (who are facing no shortage of threats to their security in the Pacific theater) have recently offered the Trans-Atlantic Community the chance to work together on the Belt and Road Initiative which could only benefit humanity as the BRI has already pulled hundreds of millions of souls out of poverty.

What makes these positive steps towards a sustainable global security doctrine so attractive is that they involve re-orienting nuclear science from the perverse path of self-destruction towards the path of creation which this beautiful field of research was always destined to be. The peaceful use of atomic power both in advanced fission reactors, atomic medicine and the long-overdue holy grail of fusion energy provides humanity the master key to do what no other species has been able to do: Break an extinction cycle and end the “four horsemen” of famines, war, disease and ignorance that have plagued humanity since time immemorial.

If humanity is morally fit to survive the current storm, it will be due to the rectification of those fallacious rules underlying geopolitics as have been practiced throughout recent history. Rule by “might makes right” which shaped the pre-nuclear era must finally come to an end, as a new age of “right makes might” must finally be permitted to have its chance in the sun.

“A war today or tomorrow, if it led to nuclear war, would not be like any war in history. A full-scale nuclear exchange, lasting less than 60 minutes, with the weapons now in existence, could wipe out more than 300 million Americans, Europeans, and Russians, as well as untold numbers elsewhere. And the survivors, as Chairman Khrushchev warned the Communist Chinese, “the survivors would envy the dead.” For they would inherit a world so devastated by explosions and poison and fire that today we cannot even conceive of its horrors. So let us try to turn the world away from war. Let us make the most of this opportunity, and every opportunity, to reduce tension, to slow down the perilous nuclear arms race, and to check the world’s slide toward final annihilation.”

Article By Matthew EHRET